We partner with community and organisations to research and protect environmental knowledge, and empower the community with skills and opportunities that support restoration, waste minimisation, and community resilience.
““Kaua e rangiruatia te hāpai o te hoe; e kore tō tātou waka e ū ki uta.””
Our Mission
Ensuring we have a healthy environment is central to health, wellbeing, and sustainability. We work from a kaupapa Māori framework that ensures we meet the needs of the environment and people, within a space that is conducive to diversity, creativity, innovation, and meaningful partnerships. Bringing people with diverse backgrounds and skills together to co-develop programs, systems and actions, ensures long-term viability of projects that have intergenerational vision, opportunities and responsibilities.
how we work
Our experienced team draws on our individual passions for the marine, freshwater, and forest environments, and while one member may lead a project, we work together on all projects to maximise the collective knowledge pool and opportunities for our clients and partners.
who we work with
Working in valued partnership with people and organisations is central to achieving successful outcomes for all involved, and this is core to how we operate. We uphold the commitments made under Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and we value all knowledge and skills shared with us from all members of the community.
Kura, kōhanga, and schools throughout Aotearoa
Community groups throughout Aotearoa
Some of the organisations we have supported;
Iwi and Hapū throughout Aotearoa
All photography provided by Toroa Creative